Stage 4 Kuopio 17. - 23. 2. 2019
We started our last project week by visiting the center of Kuopio and the Puijo winter sports area. We visited the ski jump towers and the Puijo observation tower. After that, the construction of the showroom and the auditorium began at our school auditorium. The working days elapsed fast with rehearsals and in the evenings there were different activities. We went in the sauna with the possibility of swimming in a partly frozen lake. We also participated in the Kuopio IceMarathon public skating on Lake Kallavesi, which ended with great fireworks. The penultimate day was the final of the whole project. We presented an hour-long show twice. The Finnish musicians from the first and second stage performed their own songs live, and all the third and fourth stage students performed on the dance floor together with the programmed robots. All music, dance choreography, robot programming and video editing was made the students. The first performance was broadcast live over the internet to Ulm, Germany, where Humboldt-Gymnasium teachers and students also followed the show.
The recording of the show can be viewed here.
YouTube video about the fourth week is here. (Video editing Tilman Siegel)